Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I did not side with any specific gender, race, or age group. I sided with the characters that i felt i had gone through a situation similar to theirs.

In Gorilla, My Love I sided with Hazel when she first realizes what the movie is actually about. I would personally be frustrated if I went to go see a movie and it turned out to be about something I was not interested in seeing what so ever. But once Hazel being acting rude in the theatre and confronted the manger was when I changed my view. It was no ones fault but her own for not knowing what the movie was about. The manager nor any of the staff at the theatre was in the wrong and Hazel was acting out for no reason.

In the story Girl, i connected with the girl being taught. I didn't connected with the way she reacted as much as just what she had to listen to. While reading this story I began to lose focus on all of the instructions being given to the girl and began to think about other things while my eyes were skimming across the words. I often find myself acting in the same way when I am receiving directions from my own parents. My ears hear the words but my brain does not register the instructions.

I do not personally relate to either character in Everyday Use because I never felt i had a rivalry with either of my two younger brothers. However, I feel that my two brothers do currently have a rivalry between themselves. The older of my two brothers feels like the "baby" of the family always gets his way and never gets in trouble. While my youngest brother always feels picked on by his older brother. Unlike the story, however, I do not see one being "out done" or "intimidated" by the other.

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